The Independent Beef Association of North Dakota (I-BAND) is dedicated to supporting the market interests of North Dakota cattle producers. Its primary goal is to combat threats to the domestic cattle industry, particularly those stemming from unfair and illegal trade practices and imports. I-BAND focuses on addressing any other issues that impact the profitability of North Dakota beef producers, ensuring a sustainable and competitive beef market in the state, additionally, promoting local producers on social media, collaborative events, local partnerships, online directories, and educational programs to show support to the community and foster sustainable practices. By implementing these strategies, I-BAND can help strengthen the local economy and promote a sense of community.
The Independent Beef Association of North Dakota is North Dakota's statewide voice in the cattle industry for the cattle producer. Our membership is primarily made up of cow calf operations in North Dakota. We're a non-profit organization that works in conjunction with other organizations as your statewide and national voice in the cattle industry.
We have represented our membership on issues including the Farm Bill, Country of Origin Labeling (otherwise known as COOL), trade, the National Animal Identification System, the mergers and consolidation of the meat packing industry, the Beef Checkoff Modernization Act, enacting the GIPSA rule and government overreach increasing burdensome regulations through the ESA and by the EPA. There are numerous issues of importance to cattle producers in the coming year. Strength comes in numbers and I-BAND needs a strong membership to carry out your voice within and outside of North Dakota. We're a grassroots cattlemen's organization, addressing the market interests of North Dakota cattle producers. If you'd like to schedule an I-BAND informational meeting in your area please contact any I-BAND Director.