Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals to purchase materials needed for those in the path of the ND Fires.
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
Oct. 7, 2024
For immediate release
Hay Hotline for Rancher Relief is now active
BISMARCK – Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring has activated the Hay Hotline for Rancher Relief.
“Several counties across the state were dry this year. Additionally, some areas have been impacted by wildfires,” said Agricultural Commissioner Doug Goehring. “The Department’s Hay Hotline is an additional resource producers impacted by recent wildfires may use. Producers and those in North Dakota who have hay can call the Department’s special program number to talk to one of my staff and get placed on the map,” Goehring said.
The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association said, “Many livestock are missing, either because they became disoriented in the smoke and fire and scattered or because cattle got mixed together in the scurry of evacuating them to keep them out of harm’s way.” If you are missing livestock or have discovered animals that do not belong to you, contact the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association at (701) 223-2522 or (701) 595-2421 or e-mail
“People and livestock can be greatly impacted by wildfire,” said State Veterinarian Ethan Andress. “Producers are reminded to work closely with their veterinarian if livestock were near wildfire. Cattle impacted by wildfire and smoke are at increased risk of complications such as pneumonia. Moving and handling livestock should be done with caution and patience to minimize stress on these animals,” Andress said.
FSA State Director Marcy Svenningsen says, “Local County offices of USDA Farm Service Agency stand ready to assist producers impacted by wildfires. Please reach out to your county office for assistance.”
NDSU Extension is coordinating with state and federal partners to assess agricultural losses caused by the wildfires. Please reach out to your local NDSU Extension office if you were impacted.
North Dakota Stockmen’s Association and ND IBAND are accepting donations.
Please call the Hay Hotline special program number at 701-328-5110
For more information on the Hay Hotline, visit
Several counties across the state were dry this year. Additionally, some areas have been impacted by wildfires.
The Department’s Hay Hotline is an additional resource producers impacted by recent wildfires may use. “Producers and those in North Dakota who have hay can call the Department’s special program number to talk to one of my staff and get placed on the map,” said Commissioner Goehring.
If you are missing livestock in the aftermath of these disasters, please contact the NDSA at (701) 595-2421 (chief brand inspector), (701) 214-7709 (executive vice president) or (701) 223-2522 (office) or by emailing or to file a missing livestock report.
Bismarck, N.D. — In response to devastating wildfires across parts of North Dakota in October, the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has allocated $1 million in special funding to support landowners and operators in rebuilding essential conservation practices lost to the fires. Through an expedited approval process called ACT NOW, NRCS will provide timely assistance to restore impacted areas.
The ACT NOW process allows applications to be preapproved and funded quickly, with eligible projects advancing in the order received. To qualify for this one-time funding opportunity, applicants must submit a separate application and meet all eligibility requirements prior to advancing in the NRCS Protracts system. Field offices will conduct verification of fire-impacted fields, and eligible applications will be promptly ranked for funding consideration.
“NRCS North Dakota is committed to helping producers rebuild and restore the land affected by these severe wildfires,” said State Conservationist Dan Hovland. “This special funding will allow us to deliver immediate support to impacted communities and aid in the recovery of critical conservation practices.”
All applications must meet eligibility standards before they are ranked. If eligibility is not met, the application status will remain as pending or ineligible until requirements are fulfilled. The submission deadline for reviewed applications is January 31, 2025, and ranking will continue through that date.
Approved conservation practices include conservation cover, windbreak/shelterbelt establishment, fencing, pasture and hay planting, range planting, and watering facilities.
For more information, landowners, ranchers, and producers in the affected areas are encouraged to contact their local NRCS Field Office.